World Conference on Transport Research Society

Former WCTR Prize Recipients

15th WCTR – Mumbai 2019

The following are the recipients of WCTRS Prizes at the Mumbai Conference, held May 2019:


Dupuit Prize ($5,000  – sponsored by Volvo Research and Educational Foundations)

Prof Tae Hoon Oum was awarded the Dupuit Prize in recognition of a distinguished scientific and professional career which has been of significant benefit to the transportation community.


Transport Policy Prize ($1,000)

Rayle, L. (Dai, D., Chan, N., Cervero, R., & Shaheen, S. 2016) was awarded the Transport Policy Prize for the Most Influential Paper in the Journal for her paper entitled

“Just a better taxi? A survey-based comparison of taxis, transit, and ridesourcing services in San Francisco.”  Transport Policy, 45, 168-178.  


Grand Prize (WCTR – Best Paper) ($1,000)

Dementiev Andreia and Tretiakova Irinab were awarded the Grand Prize (WCTR Best Paper) for their paper:

“Inter-regional migration, commuting, and transportation tariffs”


Young Author Best Paper Prize ($1,000)

Adeline Heitz was awarded the Young Author Best Paper Prize for her paper:

“Planning urban freight and logistics: duality in the logistics real estate market, the case of the Paris Metropolitan area”


Best Paper Poster Presentations ($1,000)

Naoki Shibahara, Ryoko Morimoto, Nozomi Kudo, Hirokazu Kato, Shingo Mano and Yoshitsugu Hayashi, were awarded the Best Paper Poster Presentation Prize for their paper:

“Method of estimating the change in life cycle CO2 due to transport system development incorporating micro-traffic flow simulation”


Cairo University Prize, Best Paper in Developing Countries ($1,000 sponsored by Cairo University and paid directly to winners Under 40 years of age)

Akshay Gupta, G.R.Bivina and Manoranjan Parida were awarded The Cairo University Prize for the Best Paper in Developing Countries for their paper:

“Measuring the impact of objective and subjective built environment factors and access mode choice to metro stations”


WCTRS-YI  – WCTR Young Conference  (Total award $4,500)

Conference Chair  –  Digvijay S Pawar

Conference Organising Volunteer  –  Milena Janjevic

Conference Organising Volunteer  –  Thiago Guimarães


WCTRS-YII  –  WCTR PhD Students’ Grants – Special Session in Shanghai  (Total award $17,000)

Innovation Grant  –  Andres Fielbaum ($5,000)

Prestige Grant  –   Nazmul Arefin Khan ($3,000)

Prestige Grant  –   Gaurav Mittal ($3,000)

Prestige Grant  –   Manu Sasidharan ($3,000)

Prestige Grant  –   Jeroen Bastiaanssen ($3,000)


WCTRS-YIII  –  WCTRS Young Online Facility (Total award $1,000)

Honoraria  –  Sara Abd Alla

Honoraria  –  Adrien Beziat


Topic Area Award A – Transport Modes (General)

Kun Wang, Wenyi Xia, Leonardo Corbo and Tae Hoon Oum received Topic Area A Award for Paper 368

“Airport pricing when airport congestion affects passengers’ concession consumption”


Topic Area Award B – Freight Transport and Logistics

Adeline Heitz received Topic Area B Award for Paper

“Planning urban freight and logistics: duality in the logistics real estate market, the case of the Paris Metropolitan area”


Topic Area Award C – Traffic Management, Operations and Control

Hong Zhu and Hideki Nakamura received Topic Area C Award for Paper 114

“A Model Analysis of the Saturation Flow Rate Influenced by Downstream Conditions”


Topic Area Award E – Transport Economics and Finance

Dementiev Andreia and Tretiakova Irinab received Topic Area E Award for Paper 722

“Inter-regional migration, commuting, and transportation tariffs”


Topic Area Award F – Transport, Land Use and Sustainability

JD Hunt, JE Abraham, A Silva, G Fuenmayor, GT Hill and S Kaul received Topic Area F Award for Paper 788

“Residential demand and supply in the Alberta PECAS model”


Topic Area Award G – Transport Planning and Policy

Nicolás Valenzuela-Levi received Topic Area G Award for Paper  496

“Does income inequality matter for household transport expenditure? A look into different income distribution measures in rich countries”


Topic Area Award H – Transport in Developing and Emerging Countries

Praveen P. S. and Ashalatha R. received Topic Area H Award for Paper  1015

“Development of Adjustment Factors for Robertson’s Platoon Dispersion Model”


Topic Area Award I – Infrastructure Design and Maintenance

Roksana Hossaina and Nazimuddin M. Wasiuddinb received Topic Area I Award for Paper 628

“A Novel Method for Polymer Content Determination in Asphalt Binders and Emulsions”


14th WCTR – Shanghai 2016

The following are the recipients of WCTRS Prizes at the Shanghai Conference, held July 2016:


Dupuit Prize (€5,000  – sponsored by Ramboll-Finland)

Prof Anthony D May and Prof Roger Vickerman were jointly awarded the Dupuit Prize in recognition of distinguished scientific and professional careers which have been of significant benefit to the transportation community.


Transport Policy Prize (€1,000)

Beirao G and Sarsfield Cabral J A were awarded the Transport Policy Journal Prize for their paper:

Understanding Attitudes Towards Public Transport and Private Car:  A Qualitative Study” Volume 14, Issue 6 2007


Grand Prize (WCTR – Best Paper) (€1,000)

Rafael Olarte and Ali Haghani were awarded the Grand Prize (WCTR Best Paper) for their paper:

Introducing and testing a game-theoretic model for a lottery-based metering system in Minneapolis, United States


Young Author Best Paper Prize (€1,000)

Wenyi Xia and Anming Zhang were awarded the Young Author Best Paper Prize for their paper:

Vertical Differentiation between Airline and High-Speed Rail: The Effects On Intermodal Competition and Cooperation”


Best Paper Poster Presentations (€1,000)

Yuxiong Ji, Rabi G. Mishalani and Mark R. McCord (Paper 2675), and Sergio Arturo Ordoñez Medina (Paper 2835), were jointly awarded the Best Paper Poster Presentation Prize for their papers:

Paper 2675:  “Transit route-level passenger alighting probability, probability OD flow and expected OD flow matrices: estimates from boarding and alighting counts and relationships among the representations” 


Paper 2835:  “Inferring weekly primary activity patterns using public transport smart card data and a household travel survey”


Cairo University Prize, Best Paper in Developing Countries (€1,000 sponsored by Cairo University and paid directly to winners Under 40 years of age)

S.K. Jason Chang, Ching Yi Chen and Ya Wen Chen were awarded The Cairo University Prize for the Best Paper in Developing Countries for their paper:

“Motorcycle management policy in Taiwan: From dilemma to reality”


WCTRS-YI  – WCTR Young Conference  (Total award €3,000)

Conference Chair  –  Lorenza Tomassoni

Conference Organising Volunteer  –  Chenfeng Xiong

Conference Organising Volunteer  –  Cassia B Galvao


WCTRS-YII  –  WCTR PhD Students’ Grants – Special Session in Shanghai  (Total award €10,000)

Innovation Grant  –  Haneen Rami Khreis (€4,000)

Prestige Grant  –  Jonatan Jesus Gomez Vilchez (€2,000)

Prestige Grant  –  Hendrik Braun (€2,000)

Prestige Grant  –  Long Tien Truong (€2,000)


WCTRS-YIII  –  WCTRS Young Online Facility (Total award €1,000)

Honoraria  –  Pierre Launey

Honoraria  –  Cassia B Galvao

Honoraria  –  Chenfeng Xiong


Topic Area Award A – Transport Modes (General)

Ling Wang, Mohamed Abdel-Aty, Jaeyoung Lee and Qi Shi received Topic Area A Award for Paper 0126

“Analysis of Real-time Crash Risk for Expressway Ramps Using Traffic, Geometric, Land-use, and Trip Generation Predictors”


Topic Area Award B – Freight Transport and Logistics

Alison Conway, Jialei Cheng, Camille Kamga, Dan Wan received Topic Area B Award for Paper 0997

“Cargo cycles for local delivery in New York City: performance and impacts”


Topic Area Award C – Traffic Management, Operations and Control

Manuel Jakob, Monica Menendez and Jin Cao received Topic Area C Award for Paper 0295

“A dynamic macroscopic parking pricing model”


Topic Area Award D – Activity and Transport Demand

Hamidreza Asgari and Xia Jin received Topic Area D Award for Paper 2089

“Investigation of commute departure time to understand the impacts of part-day telecommuting on the temporal displacement of commute”


Topic Area Award E – Transport Economics and Finance

Marc Ivaldi and Jerome Pouyet received Topic Area E Award for Paper 0102

“Eliciting the Regulation of an Economic System: The Case of the French Rail Industry”


Topic Area Award F – Transport, Land Use and Sustainability

Qian Liu, James Wang and Peng Chen received Topic Area F Award for Paper 1033

“How does parking interplay with land use and affect car commuting: Evidence from Shenzhen”


Topic Area Award G – Transport Planning and Policy

Graham Currie and Alexa Delbosc received Topic Area G Award for Paper 0633

“An empirical model for psychology of deliberate and unintentional fare evasion”


Topic Area Award H – Transport in Developing and Emerging Countries

Bobin Wang, Chunfu Shao and Xun Ji received Topic Area H Award for Paper 1380

“Influence Mechanism of Integrated Multimodal Travel Information on Holiday Activity Travel Scheduling in China”

13th WCTR – Rio 2013

Here are the recipients of the WCTRS Prizes at the Rio Conference, 2013:

Professor Werner ROTHENGATTER is awarded the Dupuit Prize in the Rio Conference in recognition of a distinguished scientific and professional career which has been of significant benefit to the transportation community.

QIANG Meng, XINCHANG Wang and LIXIN Miao are awarded the WCTRS Prize for the Best Paper in the Rio Conference for their paper entitled:

Boundary estimation of probabilistic port hinterland for intermodal freight transportation operations

Alain BONNAFOUS and Bruno FAIVRE D’ARCIER are awarded the WCTRS Prize for the Best Paper in the Rio Conference for their paper entitled:

The conditions of efficiency of a PPP for public finances

Jillian ANABLE is awarded the Transport Policy Prize for the Most Influential Paper in the Journal for her paper entitled:

Complacent Car Addicts or Aspiring Environmentalists? Identifying travel behavior segments using attitude theory

Herrie SCHALEKAMP is awarded the WCTRS Prize for the Best Poster in the Rio Conference for his paper entitled:

Attitudes to public transport reform in South Africa: results of in-depth interviews with paratransit operators

Herrie SCHALEKAMP is awarded the Prize for the WCTR Best Paper on Transport in Developing Countries (offered by Cairo Universitry) in the Rio Conference for his paper entitled:

Attitudes to public transport reform in South Africa: results of in-depth interviews with paratransit operators

Moataz Mahmoud and Julian Hine is awarded the WCTRS Prize for the Best Paper presented by a Young Researcher in the Rio Conference for their paper entitled:

Measuring the influence of transit service quality on users’ perceptions

12th WCTR – Lisbon 2010

In Lisbon (2010) the Prize Award Sub-committee chaired by Professor Yves Crozet gave five prizes as for the former conferences: WCTRS Prize, WCTRS young Prize, The Cairo University Prize, Dupuit Prize and Transport Policy Journal Prize.

1 – The WCTRS Prize recompensing the Best Paper of the conference was given to:

Maria Börjesson Jonas Eliasson (Centre for Transport Studies Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden)
The Value of Time and External Benefits in Bicycle CBA

2 – The WCTRS Young Author’s Prize was awarded to:

Kenneth KUHN, Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering, University Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
Pavement network maintenance Optimization considering Multidimensional Condition Data

With a Honourable Mention to Cecilia Cruz (INRETS – France)

How is Own Account Transport Well Adapted to Urban Environments?

3 – The Cairo University Prize for the Best Paper on Transport in Developing Countries was awarded to :

David A. Mfinanga (University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)
Ineffective Intersection Control in Developing Countries: Case of Dar Es Salaam City

With a Honourable Mention to Ahmed Ibrahem Mosa (Assistant Professor, Egyptian National Institute of Transportation)
Exploring the Impacts of In-Home Virtual Activities on Daily Activity and Travel Behaviour: An Analysis Using Cairo Activity and Telecommunication Diary Data 2006

4 – The Transport Policy Prize for the most influential Paper is a new prize inaugurated by the Lisbon conference. It will normally be awarded at the WCTR meeting and will be chosen by a Sub-Committee of WCTRS comprising all the editors of TP and the Chair of the WCTRS Prize Committee. The Editor-in-Chief will serve as chairperson for the Sub-Committee. This new prize is in recognition of the most influential paper published in the Transport Policy Journal during the last three years preceding the conference. For example the prize announced in 2010 concerned papers appearing in the volumes related to calendar years 2007-2009.

The first recipient of this prize is:
David Banister (University of Oxford, United Kingdom)
The sustainable mobility paradigm, Transport Policy – Special issue – 2008

5 – As usual, the Dupuit Prize is donated by VIATEK through the good offices of Antti Talvitie. Its Committee for the Lisbon Meeting in 2010 was Chaired by Prof Hideo Nakamura (Japan). The other members are: Yves Crozet (France), Antti Talvitie (Finland) and Roger Vickerman (UK).

Every member of the Steering Committee proposed candidates for the prize. On the basis of the criteria of scientific merits, practical works, International activities and contributions to the life of WCTRS, the nomination committee selected Prof. Alain Bonnafous for the Dupuit Prize.

Scientific merits of Alain Bonnafous:

Professor in economics at Université Lumière, Lyon 2

  • he established Laboratory of Transport Economics (LET) and  served as director for 13 years
  • he has extensive works dedicated to transport research
  • he focused on various topics in transport economics, such as:
    • cost benefit analysis, transport infrastructure,
    • assessment, public-private-partnership (PPP),
    • opportunity cost of public funds, etc
  • he published numerous peer reviewed publications including six books

His practical works:

  • he played important roles in France and Europe to help governments identify significant solutions to transport problems
  • he is a member of the Board of RFF (Réseau Ferré de France), defined the principles and the structure of the rail access charges
  • he is Vice-chairman of the CNT (French National Council of Transport) in charge of the reforms in the transport sector

His international activities:

  • he is an expert consultant of ECMT (now International Transport Forum), OECD, World Bank and EU
  • he is a leader in international academic societies of transport
  • he is a top researcher in major peer reviewed journals
  • he has made LET an internationally renowned research organization.

His contributions to the WCTRS:

  • Chair of the organizing committee of the 6th WCTR Lyon in1992
  • President of WCTRS (1989 – 1998)
  • Secretary General (1998 -2010).

11th WCTR – Berkeley 2007

In Berkeley (2007) the Prize Award Sub-committee chaired by Professor Yoshitsugu Hayashi gave four prizes as for the former conferences: WCTRS Prize, WCTRS young Prize, DRTPC Prize and Dupuit Prize.

The WCTRS Prize recompensing the best paper of the conference was given to a collective paper presented by:
Sergio Jara-Diaz, Marcela Munizaga, Paulina Greeven, Reinaldo Guerra

“The Unified expanded Goods-Activities-Travel Model: Theory and Results”

The WCTRS Young Prize was awarded to two recipients:

Pattharin Sarutipand
“Multi-facility Maintenance and Rehabilitation Model with Coordinated Intervention”

Pablo Durango-Cohen
“An Estimation-Optimization Approach to the Management of Transportation Infrastructure Systems under Model Uncertainty”

The DRTPC Prize was awarded to a collective paper presented by:
Antonio Nelson Rodrigues da Silva, Marcela da Silva Costa, Marcia Helena Macedo
“Multiple views of Sustainable Urban Mobility in a Developing Country – The case of Brazil”


As usual the Dupuit Prize is donated by VIATEK through the good offices of Antti Talvitie. Its Committee for the Berkeley Meeting in 2007 was chaired by Roger Vickerman, and consisted of Yucel Candemir as members.

The Berkeley Dupuit Prize was unanimously awarded to Pr. Moshe Ben Akiva.

10th WCTR – Istanbul 2004

In Istanbul (2004) the Prize Award Sub-committee chaired by Professor Yoshitsugu Hayashi gave four prizes : WCTRS Prize, WCTRS young Prize, DRTPC Prize and Dupuit Prize.

WCTRS Prize:
Alain Bonnafous and Pablo Jensen 
“Ranking transport projects by their socioeconomic value or financial interest rate of return?”
WCTRS Young Prize was awarded to two recipients:

Nao Sugiki, co-authored by Kazuaki Miyamoto
“Spatio-temporal aggregation effects and path-dependence in a land- use micro-simulation system”

Francesco Viti co-authored by Henk van Zuylen
“Modeling overflow queues on urban signalized intersections”

DRTPC Prize was awarded to: Roger Behrens, Lourdes Diaz-Olvera, Didier Plat and Pascal Pochet 
“Collection of passenger travel data in west and southern African cities: towards a research agenda for improving survey instruments and procedures”
The Dupuit Prize is the WCTRS major prize. It is awarded to a member of the WCTRS who satisfies the criteria of:
  • A record of outstanding scientific work;
  • A significant reputation in transport policy;
  • A reputation for truly international activity, involvement in the creation of global networks;
  • Particular contributions to WCTRS, high reputation within WCTRS.

The Prize is donated by VIATEK through the good offices of Antti Talvitie. The Dupuit Prize Committee for the Istanbul Meeting 2004 was chaired by Roger Vickerman, and consisted of Pierre Laconte and Yucel Candemir as members.

Given the worldwide membership of WCTRS and the number of people within WCTRS who satisfy most if not all of the criteria for the award it was not difficult to produce a shortlist of potential candidates for consideration, but reducing this to a single name might be thought to be a much more difficult task. However, it soon became clear that one name stood out from our short list as someone who did not just meet the criteria but met them significantly with a high reputation which crosses continents.

The Dupuit Prize for 2004 is awarded to Professor Hideo Nakamura for his outstanding lifetime contribution to transport research and his major contribution to the development of WCTRS and its activities during his Presidency.

Hideo Nakamura was born in 1935 in Kyoto and studied civil engineering at the University of Tokyo. After working on the construction of the Tokyo underground he became an assistant at Tokyo University before a first visit to Stuttgart in Germany began his global reach (not to mention a remarkable knowledge of German folk songs). On his return to Japan he rapidly became a major figure in transport planning and transport policy thus securing his reputation and fulfilling the first two of our criteria.

In transport engineering his particular contribution was the innovative application of photogrammetry to the design of motorway alignments, involving an early use of computer aided design. In transport planning his development of land-use transport models was applied to the analysis of the Tokyo Bay Bridge. He made major contributions to the introduction of scientific methods in policy making for transport infrastructure.

But he was never satisfied at just being involved on Japanese transport; he recognised the importance of global contact, of learning from others (and their mistakes) and putting forward a clear view of Japanese practice. This led to many International invitations and awards. On retiring from the University of Tokyo in 1995 he did not settle back into a quiet life but became the first president of the newly founded institute for transport Policy Studies in Tokyo, an institution which as well as undertaking research has regular seminars and symposia which involve transport professionals from all over the world as many members of WCTRS will know from personal experience. Criterion three is met many times over.

In 1989 Hideo Nakamura was the chair of the local organising committee of the WCTRS Conference in Yokohama and his quiet efficiency in this job made him a natural choice as President of WCTRS, a post which was he help from 1998 to 2001. Those involved with WCTRS during this period will recognise that Hideo Nakamura was not just a titular president but led WCTRS through a major period of change, not least of which was the adoption of Transport Policy as the Society’s journal. Criterion four, contribution to WCTRS, passed with flying colours.

At the time many people would be resting having retired from two senior positions, a rejuvenated Hideo Nakamura has now taken on the role of president of the Musashi Institute of Technology in Tokyo. But he is not lost us as he remains a member of the Steering Committee of WCTRS.

Many people could get quite high scores on our official criteria (though few could claim to score quite as highly on all four) but very few would command the respect as individuals as Hideo Nakamura does. A calm and quiet influence, but someone whose company it is a pleasure to share, a man of great warmth and humour as well as a respected scientist, a public figure of influence in Japan and across the worl and a major contributor to the development of WCTRS as we know it today.

9th WCTR – Seoul 2001

In Seoul (2001), the Prize Award Sub-committee chaired by Professor Peter Bonsall announced the selection of two WCTR prizes, ‘2001 WCTR Prize’ open for all submitters and ‘2001 WCTR Young Prize’ only to authors under 35 years of age.

2001 WCTR Young Prize was awarded jointly to two papers:

Model-Based Multi-class Travel Time Estimation’ by Serge P. Hoogendoorn and

‘Information Reference Model Considering Uncertainty in Decision-making’ by Eiji Hato.

A Cell-based Dynamic Traffic Assignment Model’ authored by Hong K. Lo Szeto W. Y.

8th WCTR – Antwerp’ 98

In Antwerp (1998) there were 4 permanent paper prizes (incl. WCTRS prize, Yokohama Prizes, Young researcher prize), 5 additional prizes to be awarded only at the 8th WCTR and one prize for distinguished scholar.

The Prize Sub-Committee chaired by YOSHITSUGU HAYASHI from Japan, consisted of the following members selected by the Scientific Committee. They represent a broad spectrum of the Society’s geographic, academic and professional membership : PETER BONSALL from UK, ENNIO CASCETTA from Italy, BRUNO FAIVRE D’ARCIER from France, HANI MAHMASSANI from USA, SUE MCNEIL from USA, HISA MORISUGI from Japan, from TAE OUM Canada, ROBERT RIVIER from Switzerland, WERNER ROTHENGATTER from Germany, CESS RUIJGROK from Netherlands, ESSAM SHARAF from Egypt, ANTI TALVITIE from USA andFinland, MICHAEL TAYLOR from Australia, MICHAEL WEGENER from Germany.

The permanent prizes


The WCTRS Prize was awarded to: Tae Hoon OUM, Anming ZHANG and Yimin ZHANG
“Optimal Demand for Operating Lease of Aircraft”

This paper is the first modeling effort for determining optimal mix of leased and owned aircraft, recognizing explicitly the uncertain and cyclical air nature of transport demand. It focuses on the role of ‘leasing companies to increase flexibility in airlines’ capacity changes. The model is applied to a panel data set of 23 major airlines of the world.


The Yokohama Prize was awarded to : Joyce M. DARGAY and Petros C. VYTHOULKAS
“Estimation of Dynamic Transport Demand Models Using Pseudo-Panel Data”

This paper presents a unique model of dynamic car ownership, based on a pseudo-panel approach which entails grouping individuals or households into cohorts, in order to estimate the various short and long run elasticity. Focus is made on the difference in car ownership and its determining factors, using data from the annual UK Family Expenditure Surveys. The paper concludes on the need of time for adjustment to changes in prices and income, as elasticity is twice as great in the long run as it is in the short run.


The Yokohama Younger Prize (for 35 years old or younger person) was awarded to: Loran TAVASSZY, co-authored by M.J.M. VAN DER VLIST and C.J. RUIJGROK
“Scenario-wise Analysis of Transport and Logistics Systems with a SMILE”

This paper describes the model SMILE which stands for “Strategic Model for Infrastructure Logistics and Evaluation”. This model has been constructed in order to enhance understanding of the developments and policy options regarding freight transport in the Netherlands. It is a unique model in the sense that it explicitly takes into account logistics developments and translates these tendencies, such as centralization of warehouses, higher frequencies and consolidation into freight demand characteristics.


The DRTPC Prize was awarded to : Zhong-Zhen YANG, co-authored by Yoshitsugu HAYASHI
“Achieving Inter-city Balance of Urban Development by Coupling of Expressway Improvement and Land Price Policies in China”

This paper is original in that it considers the spatial mechanism of land market applying to China where land price is determined by the government and the land sales revenue is used for infrastructure improvement. A spatial model is designed to give an optimal land price as a tool for regional development policy to achieve a well balanced growth of economy between the cities within a province. This idea seems useful to promote a sustainable regional development avoiding serious traffic bottlenecks.

The 8th WCTR Prizes


The special young prize (for 35 years old or younger person) was awarded to Jong-Hun PARK, co-authored by Anming ZHANG
“Strategic Airline Alliances: Complementary vs. Parallel Alliances”

This paper is unique in that it examines the effects of strategic alliances in a multi-firm, multi-market setting by using game theory. This general framework can be used for the analysis of alliances in any network oriented industries including the airline industry. Applications are made to trans-Atlantic strategic alliances.


The Maritime Prize was awarded to: A. GULDEM CERIT
“Maritime Transport as an Area of Competitive Advantage in International Marketing”

The paper presents a general framework for identifying major factors for creating competitive advantage through improvement of the maritime sector in a country. It uses the Porter-model as a framework and price factor analysis of Turkey’s driedfruits exporters in order to identify the main factors for determining quality of maritime logistics. The paper gives a well documented overview of the theory of creating regional competitive advantage. It is extremely usefull in applying these general principles into practice.


The Logistics Prize was awarded to: Theo NOTTEBOOM and Willy WINKELMANS
“Spatial (De)Concentration of Container Flows: The Development of Load Centre Ports and Inland Hubs in Europe”

This paper examines the European port system using the foreland-port-hinterland concept and studies whether the ports confirm to a stage-wise port development model formulated in the early sixties. The findings from the model suggests that containerization, other technological developments and the hinterland to port intermodal transport network create a complex port operation environment, where the forces for both port concentration and deconcentration are active. The outcome is determined by:

  1. the network connections of port to hinterland;
  2. the managerial skills to provide services that attract mega-carriers’ providing door-to-door transport services; and,
  3. from the management’s ability to finance and improve port and intermodal infrastructures.
The Urban Transport Prize was awarded to: Anil SHARMA and Lourdes DIAZ OLIVERA
“Comparative Study of Urban Mobility in Sub-Saharan and Asian Cities: Issues and Priorities in Policy Formulation”

This paper addresses the issue of urban mobility, the factors affecting it and how efficient policy interventions can be derived. The authors’ findings are based on cross-comparisons of the mobility trends of a target group in Indian and African cities under varying environments. They concluded that mobility levels and their qualitative characteristics depend not only on transport related factors but also on social, cultural and economic organization of the society. Further, there is a need for a homogeneous methodology in mobility surveys and the associated analyses to allow meaningful international comparisons.

This paper is the result of a long- standing research cooperation that started at CODATU V in New Delhi. In 1997, the French Ministery of Public Works funded Prof Sharma’s coming at LET (Laboratoire d’Economie des Transports) as a visiting professor.


The Public Transport Prize was awarded to: Fumitoshi MIZUTANI
“An Assessment of the JR Companies since Privatisation: Performance, Local Rail Service and Depts”

This paper is an outstanding analysis of the reform of the Japan National Railways since 1987. It concludes that:

  • the productive efficiency has been improved since 1987 due to a flatter and more decentralized organization and improved labor productivity, as well as the strategic behavior of the JR’s to develop rail ridership;
  •  the service levels did not change appreciably after privatization, implying that the less profitable local services were not necessarily abandoned;
  • the lingering debt problem may not be a failure of privatization but a failure of government, and this may require immediate attention if the new found benefits are to be retained.
The Permanent Prize for distinguished Scholar – Dupuit Prize was awarded to: Michel FRYBOURG

As a laureate of the Jules Dupuit Prize, Michel FRYBOURG is in a particular position because he is a graduate of the same Engineering School as Jules Dupuit (the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées) and he subsequently achieved the same position as his predecessor in the French Administration. Michel FRYBOURG is a key actor of the development of transport research in France, as the initiator and the first Director of the “Institut de Recherche sur les Transports (INRETS)”, concerned with both physical and social science researches. His contribution (from the first initiative) to the WCTR Society was essential as member of the Steering Committee (and Chairman of the Scientific Committee for the 6th WCTR in Lyons). As Professor at the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees, he published well-known books in Transport Economics. His own fields of research were always characterized by a strong presence on new topics and actual problems: traffic engineering and safety in the sixties, assessment of technologies in the seventies, integrated logistics in the eighties, added value networks in the nineties. In these different areas, his main contribution was to provide efficient bridges between the technical and the socio-economic aspects of transport.

7th WCTR – Sydney’ 95

In Sydney (1995) the Prize Sub-Committee chaired by Professor Yoshi Hayashi, consisted of the following members selected by the Scientific Committee to represent a broad spectrum of the Society’s geographic, academic and professional membership: Moshe BEN AKIVA (MIT, USA), Bruno FAIVRE D’ARCIER (INRETS Univ. Lumière, F), Yoshitsugu HAYASHI (Nagoya University, Japan), Sue MCNEIL (Carnegie Mellon University, USA), Hisa MORISUGI (Gifu University, Japan), Tae OUM (Univ. of British Columbia, Canada), Robert RIVIER (EPFL, Switzerland), Cees RUIJGROK (Inst.for Spatial Organization, NL), Derek SCRAFTON (South Australian Govt., Australia), Michael TAYLOR (Univ. of South Austr., Australia), Michael WEGENER (Univ. of Dortmund, Germany).

The task of the sub committee was first to review the over one hundred papers recommended for prizes (long list) by referees. On a basis of originality, scientific merit, clarity and practical importance, a short list of a dozen papers was compiled, and from this, five prize winners were selected. It should be mentioned that we members of Prize Sub-Committee admit it was almost an impossible task to select the winners because the qualities of candidate papers were much higher than good papers appearing in major transport journals. One paper was part written by a committee member and was set aside for fairness.

The WCTR Prize (sponsored this year by the Australian Government for excellence) was presented by Dr Maurice Haddad of the Bureau of Transport and Communications Economics. It was awarded to :

Fabienne MARGAIL and Pascal AUZANNET (France)
“PLANIFICATION INTERMODALE DES RÉSEAUX DE TRANSPORT URBAIN DE VOYAGEURS” (“Urban Public Transport Network Intermodal Planning: a method for determining an optimal location of interchange sites for connections between private cars and public transport”)

This paper presents an original approach of multimodality, through a detailed analysis of private and public costs induced by each transport mode. This research is based on a important work which identifies these costs and builds a global accounting system. This system is presently used as a means to assess multimodal transport policies in the Paris urban area. Through a comparison of each mode’s economic and social efficiency, the authors highlight some counterintuitive results about the performance of cars and public transport and conclude their paper with a new way to organize urban transport networks, with respect to economic and social efficiency.


Dr Haddad also presented the Pacific Rim prize on behalf of the Australian Government. The prize was awarded to: Takayuki UEDA (Japan)

This paper analyses the impacts of inter-regional transport improvements on a system of cities and evaluates these impacts in terms of social welfare. The major implication from the analysis is that a policy of reducing transport costs by transport infrastructure improvements leads to a dispersed pattern of cities with high environmental externalities. The paper is a particularly innovative contribution to the important discussion about what constitutes a well-balanced nationwide settlement system. It is well written and clearly organized.


The city of Yokohama also awards two prizes. Followed by a report on the history of the Yokohama prizes by Ms Noriko Mitsuhashi, the Yokohama Prize was awarded to: Staffan ALGERS, Andrew DALY and Per KJELLMAN, Staffan WIDLERT (Sweden)

The paper describes an extended travel demand forecasting system, based on disaggregate models and incorporating many original features including interactions between household members and decisions leading to trip chaining. The jury appreciated the quality of the theoretical foundations, and the extensive effort that has been made to turn the system into a practical working tool.

Ms Mitsuhashi also presented the Yokohama Special Prize for a young researcher. The prize was awarded to : Anming ZHANG (Canada)

The paper analyzes the strategic competition between airlines who operate hub-and-spoke networks and concludes that the fortress hub is formed as a result of strategic interaction between competing airlines. The paper identifies negative network externality of competing in the rival airline’s fortress hub, and shows that the entrance of a new carrier into an existing fortress hub may, in fact, reduce social welfare.


The final paper prize was the South Australian Government prize which was presented by Derek Scrafton, Director-General of Transport in South Australia. The prize was awarded to : Glen D’ESTE (Australia)

This paper develops an alternative conceptual framework for modelling intermodal freight systems and outlines a network implementation. The framework treats intermodalism as an influence of services which may be interpreted as logistical events. This approach directs attention away from linehaul and location and forwards intermodal transitions in the broadest sense. The framework developed is quite original and gives a basis for understanding logistical choice behaviour in a way to incorporate complex service and cost trade-offs involved in freight logistics management, which are not incorporated into conventional origin-destination traffic modelling.


The prestigious Dupuit Prize was sponsored by Viatek Ltd of Finland, and was presented by Mr Larry Johnson, representing Viatek. It was awarded to a person whose scientific and professional career has been of distinguished benefit to the transport community. The recipient of the Jules Dupuit Prize for the 7th WCTR was: Marvin MANHEIM (U.S.A.)

He is the creator of the transportation systems analysis paradigm that is universally used by practitioners, researchers and educators. His original conceptual developments have established the foundations for the major advances in transportation management and analysis that have distinguished our profession during the past three decades. His pioneering contributions span the most critical and innovative areas of transportation planning and management. For many years he has been at the forefront of research on the ramifications of the developments in information technologies, and how they can affect organizational change and management processes. He was also the driving force in the establishment of WCTRS and served as a its first president. He is a dedicated scholar who served as a mentor and a role model for many of us. In whatever he does, he is one of the first; and after many years of service as a teacher, researcher and consultant, he is still as active, energetic and enthusiastic as a freshly minted Ph.D.

6th WCTR – Lyon’ 92

The selection process results in five general prizes and four thematic prizes.

The jury committee chaired by Yoshi HAYASHI (Japan), was made of following selected members of the Scientific Committee : Jean-Pierre BAUMGARTNER (CH), Moshe BEN AKIVA (U.S.A.), Yves GEFFRIN (F), Shigeru MORICHI (J), Hisa MORISUGI (J), Tae OUM (CDN), Robert RIVIER (CH), Werner ROTHENGATTER (D), Cees J. RUIJGROK (NL), Antti TALVITIE (SF), and Michael WEGENER (D).

Generally, during the first process, the papers which had been recommended for prizes by full paper referees were rigorously reviewed during more than ten hours on the basis of originality, clarity, practical importance, and scientific merits. General prizes were selected from eleven papers which were nominated at the semi-final stage. Eventually, there remained eleven papers among which four were written by committee members and therefore had to be put aside for fairness’ sake. Finally, prizes were awarded as follows…


“WCTR” Prize for the best paper of the 6th WCTR was awarded to Patrick NIERAT from the INRTS (F), author of “Aire de marché des centres de transbordement rail-route: pertinence de la théorie spatiale”.

The paper analyses the conditions under which combined rail-road transport is competitive over all-road transport for goods transport between metropolitan regions using the theory of market areas.

The paper addresses a problem of highest relevance at a time when it is becoming increasingly important to find sustainable solutions to cope with the growing volume of goods transport.
The paper is a model example of how a traditional theoretical framework can be used to answer new questions by applying it in an ingeniously simple and innovative way to a number of illustrative case studies which is most suitable for WCTR prize.


“City of Yokohama” Prize for a superior paper was awarded to Hirohito KUSE, Yoji TAKAHASHI, and Dong Kun OH from the Tokyo University of Merchantile Marine (J) and the Waseda University (J) authors of “Basic Mechanism of Accumulation and Renewal of Physical Distribution Facilities in Tokyo”.

This paper presents an analysis of the location and renewal of physical distribution facilities in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area and discusses the significance of strategically located “Distribution Business Centres”.

The paper draws the attention to the growing importance of goods distribution for the internal organization of metropolitan areas under economic and ecological aspects.
This paper is an excellent example of well-organized empirical study with a sound theoretical foundation linking transport and location.


“International Road Union” Prize for an outstanding paper on Road Transport was awarded to Portha CHAKROBORTY and Shinya KIKUCHI from the University of Delaware (U.S.A.), authors of “Examination of Fuzzy Notions of Level-of-service : the Case of Freeway Traffic Flow”.

 This paper presents a new procedure which utilizes the concepts of fuzzy sets and fuzzy measurement in order to deal with the vagueness and uncertainty inherent in the determination of highway level-of-service.

The approach holds promise as an alternative to the current level-of-service evaluation procedure with its particular merits included the way in which it is able to incorporate driver-perception.

The judges were impressed by the way that the authors had identified an important issue and presented a novel technique with great clarity.


“Union de Banques Suisses” Prize for an outstanding paper on Transport Economics was awarded to Deirdre O’REILLY, Graham LOOMES, and Peter PHILIPS respectively from the TRL, the University of York, and the University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne (GB), authors of “The Value of Road Safety: UK Research on Injury Valuation”.

This paper compares two major techniques for obtaining the information on willingness to pay to reduce the risk of being injured in a road accident.
Standard gamble (SG) questions. Contingent valuation (CV) questions.

This paper has been awarded the prize for the following reasons :

    1. Very high overall quality of the research ;
    2. Employed sound methodologies both in survey and data analysis and interpretation of the results ;
    3. A major contribution to the injury valuation, directly, and to the field of the cost benefit analysis of public projects, indirectly.
“City of Lyon” Prize was awarded to Terje TRETVIK from the SINTEF Transport Engineering (N), author of “The Toll Raod Alternative : Variations in Choice Behaviour and Values of Time”.

This paper presents both the main results of the road toll experience in Norway and new evidence concerning the relationships between stated and measured time savings. Based on modelling route choice, some interesting variations in values of times are analysed.

The jury appreciated the clarity and the rigor of the paper as well as the interest of the results.


“SNCF (French Railways)” Prize for an outstanding paper on High Speed Rail Transport was awarded to Olivier KLEIN from the Laboratoire d’Economie des Transports (F), author of “Les Espaces de la Grande Vitesse”.

The paper shows that an increasingly flexible production system requires an ever faster information flow between a limited number of priviledged main cities. One of the problems is to integrate some less important cities into the system. It could be solved by improving interfaces with the high level core network.

The jury appreciated the in-depth analysis of complex new trends in the structure and organization of economic activities in relation with new transport technologies.


“Lyonnaise de Banque” Prize for an outstanding paper on Financing Transport was awarded to Anthony PERL from the University of Toronto (CDN), author of “Getting What you Pay for : the Politics of Public Investment in Amtrak and via Rail Canada”.

This paper seeks to explain the apparent paradox in North American passenger train finance. Why did Canada, the nation that first started subsidising passenger trains, prove unsuccessful in arresting their commercial decline ? Why did the United States, where free enterprise economic philosophy leaves little room for government led industrial revitalisation, succeed in turning AMTRAK into a dynamic commercial enterprise ? This paper has made detailed analyses and suggested that a combination of government structure and economic forces drew American and Canadian rail finance in different directions.


“City of Yokohama Special Young” Prize for an outstanding paper written by a young person under 35 years old was awarded to Francisco MARTINEZ from the University of Chile (RCH), author of “Towards the 5-stage Land Use Transport Model”.

This paper proposes an integration of location and transport forecasting by an extension of the conventional four-stage transport modeling framework by a fifth-stage, a land-use location component including a land price adjustment mechanism based on bid-rent theory. This approach synthesizes recent advances in land-use and transport modeling as an innovative unified theoretical framework. This paper is very well written with lucid explication of an ambitious and highly promising new approach.


“Jules DUPUIT” Prize for someone’s entire work was awarded to Peter STOPHER from the Louisiana Transportation Research Center (U.S.A.).

Professor Peter Stopher has inspired, motivated, challenged, educated, and even entertained nearly a generation of transport professionals. Peter Stopher is the author of numerous articles, he has written or edited several books, and initiated and organized a number of conferences in the area of travel behaviour. Peter Stopher’s work career is equally outstanding, it includes successful tenures in academia, private practice and public service.

Peter R. Stopher’s biography

Dr Peter R. Stopher is the Director of the Louisiana Transportation Research Center and Professor of Civil Engineering at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. As Director, he is responsible for the administration of a staff of about 40 professionals and a research, technology transfer, and training program with an annual budget of $4 million to $5 million. Under his direction, the Center performs both in-house research in transportation problems and also contacts for research, primarily with Universities in Louisiana, but also with other research entities within and outside the State.

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