World Conference on Transport Research Society

SIG F2 – Transport, Climate Change and Clean Air

Upcoming Events

We kindly invite you to our SIG meeting during the upcoming Trienniel World Conference, in Montréal. The date will be communicated soon. Additionally we’ll have a special session on overhead line electric trucks for decarbonizing road transport (together with Eva Kassens-Noor)


Group Objective

This Special Interest Group’s (SIG) objective is to provide interdisciplinary scientific evidence on the interaction between transport systems and the environment, and to establish effective mechanisms for mitigating environmental degradation.


Membership of the Group is open to anyone active and strongly interested in research, policy and decision-making related to transport and the environment. Membership of the WCTRS is encouraged but not required. To join the Group, or for more information, please contact one of the Chairs listed below.

SIG F2 Chair- Patrick Jochem (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

SIG F2 C0-Chair- Wei-Shiuen Ng (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, ESCAP)

What are SIGs?

WCTRS encourages a continuous exchange between experts all over the world and in order to facilitate this exchange of ideas between researchers interested in the same topic area, Special Interest Groups (SIGs) have been created.