WCTRS-Y Initiative
The World Conference on Transport Research Society Young Researchers’ Initiative (WCTRS-Y) provides opportunities for young members of the society to gain experience in academic activities, develop their professional profiles and skills, network with established transport researchers and practitioners, and become familiar with the workings of the Society. It was first run as part of WCTR-13 in Rio de Janeiro in July 2013 and will be in its fifth edition at WCTRS-17 in Toulouse.
Young members are defined as members of the society who will be below 35 years old on the first day of the 17th Word Conference on Transport Research (July 6th, 2026) in Toulouse, France.
WCTRS-Y / Ed-5 (Toulouse 2026)
Call to Participate in WCTRS Young Researchers Initiative Edition-5 WCTRS-Y / Ed-5
Description and Rules of Operation WCTRS Young Researchers Initiative Edition-5 WCTRS-Y / Ed-5
We are pleased to announce an extension of the deadline for WCTRS-Y applications to March 31. This extension provides an excellent opportunity for more young professionals to apply and benefit from being part of WCTRS-Y.
WCTRS Y-I: “WCTR-Y”: One-day Mini WCTR for young WCTRS members; to accompany each WCTR; the next is WCTR-17, Toulouse, July 2026.
WCTRS Y-II: “WCTRS PhD Students’ Grants”, for young PhD students who are members of WCTRS.
WCTRS Y-III: “WCTRS-Young Online Facility” for young WCTRS members.
Each activity is coordinated by Rosário Macário (Universidade de Lisboa) as the WCTRS-Y Leader, with the support of the WCTRS Steering Committee (STC). Further details on each activity can be found at the following link.