World Conference on Transport Research Society

WCTRS Y-I Young Researcher’s Conference

The WCTRS Y-I is a one-day conference run entirely by young researchers, providing them with experience in conference organisation and management.  The next Young Transport Academics’ Conference will be held in July 2026. 

To join WCTRS Y-I apply here.

We are pleased to announce an extension of the deadline for WCTRS-Y applications to March 31. This extension provides an excellent opportunity for more young professionals to apply and benefit from being part of WCTRS-Y. 


Young members of the WCTRS who attended the main WCTR-16 in Montreal had the opportunity to attend the Young Conference. They could also network with their peers and established researchers and practitioners, and enjoy the full benefits of WCTRS membership.

The Young Conference was held on 17 July 2023, before the main WCTR event. Three sessions were organized around the theme ‘Imagining the Future: Sustainable and Resilient Transport’. It included a Question and Answer session on career development with senior academics.

The 2023 Conference report is available here. It was was run by a team of three volunteers

Sagar Patni Portrait Photo  Sagar Patni (University of Florida: Contact Email)

With a master’s degree in Urban Planning and Transportation Engineering, Sagar Patni is currently a PhD candidate at the University of Florida Transportation Institute (UFTI). His areas of expertise include travel demand modelling, transit systems, micro-mobility, multi-modal systems, and data analytics. As a graduate researcher, Sagar has been involved in developing and testing a “Community Based Participatory Research Framework” used to formulate transportation mobility plans for neighbourhoods in Gainesville with consideration of emerging modes of travel and advanced technologies. Also, he has evaluated Gainesville’s micro-transit program and developed guidance for other Florida transit agencies to use when deciding where micro-transit could be deployed in their communities. Sagar is also serving as President of Gator ITE student chapter at University of Florida.

Antonie Robichet Portrait Photo   Antonie Robichet (Gustave Eiffel University: Contact Email)

I am currently a PhD student in the SPLOTT laboratory – Gustave Eiffel University and my project is divided into two parts. First, I am interested in the optimal location of sorting platforms around large metropolises. Secondly, I am studying the possibility of using modal shift in cities (cargo bikes, train) and determining their constraints. The major aim of my PhD would therefore be to help reducing the impact of greenhouse gas emissions of freight transport.

Rajendra Baraiya Portrait Photo  Rajendra Baraiya (Indian Institute of Management Indore: Contact Email)

Rajendra Baraiya is a research scholar in the Operations Management and Quantitative Techniques department at the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Indore, India. He has been awarded M.E. in Production Engineering from Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Patiala, India, and B.E. in Production Engineering from Government Engineering College, Bhavnagar, India.

He is an associate editor of the International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences (IJMEMS). His research interests are Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Coordination, Omni-Channel Retailing, Inventory Management, and Logistics. His research papers are published in reputed journals like Transportation Research Part E; and he has presented his research work at various National and International conferences.

He is also the recipient of many reputed awards such as the Outstanding Young Research Scholar Award (IEOM 2021 India Conference), Doctoral Dissertation Competition Award (IEOM 2021 India Conference), Special Prize Award (Doctoral Colloquium 2020, IRMA Anand), Best Paper Award (ICORDS 2019, IIM Visakhapatnam) and Best Paper Award in Operations Management track (Doctoral Conclave 2019, MNIT Jaipur). He is professionally affiliated with societies like WCTRS, IEOM Society International, and POMS.