World Conference on Transport Research Society

Private: Rotterdam Conference 1977

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A Predictive Model Of Highway Interchange Land Use Development: A Decision Tool For Planning
R W Eyerly, R D Twark & R B Nassi

A Road Transport Investment Model For Developing Countries
J N Bulman & R Robinson

A System Analysis Of Effectiveness Of Energy Saving Measures In Transport
H Nakamura, T Uemura, T Nishii & N Shiomi

Accessibility And Its Application To A Dynamic Model Of Spatial Land-use Distribution
B Greuter

Advanced Airline Planning Models As A Tool For Developing Regulatory Policy
R W Simpson

Aggregate Forecasting With Disaggregate Travel Demand Models Using Normally Available Data
F S Koppelman & M E Ben-akiva

An Agenda For Urban Transportation
C. K. Orski

An Equilibrium Mode-split Model Of Work Trips Along A Transportation Corridor
I Hasan & A Talvitie

An Integrated System For Airline Planning And Management Information
M Ehrlich

Application Of Demographic And Econometric Models To Regional Transportation Planning
C C Kimm

Application Of Research Works To Metropolitan Transportation Development
Zsolt Papay

Aspects Economiques De La Propulsion Nucleaire Civile
S Ruel

Aspects Of Governmental Research And Development Funding Programmes For Group Transportation Systems
D J Frenzel

Bus Acquisition And Retirement Decisions
E Hauer

Canpass: A Strategic Planning Capability For Intercity Passenger Transportation
J C Rea, M J Wills & J B Platte

Conclusions From Action 33
J Grevsmahl

Considerations On The Design Of Behavioural Orientated Models From The Point Of View Of Empirical Social Research
W Brog & W Schwerdtfeger

Decision Issues And Research Priorities In Intercity Freight Transportation: A Us Perspective
A Scheffer Lang

Emme: A Planning Method For Multi-modal Urban Transportation Systems
M Florian, R Chapleau, S Nguyen, C Achim, L James & J Lefebvre

Environmental Impact Assessment And Transport Facilities
A Alexandre & C Averous

Environmental Problems Related To Railways In Japan (special Reference To The Shinkansen)
H Yoshimura

Equilibrium Between Travel Demand, System Supply And Urban Structure
Y Zahavi

European Passenger Travel Demand – Analysis And Strategy Responsive Forecast
D Wilken

Fondements Techniques Et Economiques Du Transport Ferroviaire Des Voyageurs A Grande Vitesse
D Monnet

Forecasting Freight Demand
P O Roberts

Freight Transport Models As A Tool For Management
J Van Es

Infrastructural Growth And Development Planning: A Comparative Study Of Road Infrastructure In The National Development Of Asean Countries
Seah Chee Meow

Interaction Of Costs And Technological Developments In The Shipping Industry
N Dijkshoorn

Intercity Passenger Transport Travel In Egypt, Performance And Problems
A F El Daghestany

Intercontinental Transportation And The Marine Container System
Y Nagao & N Noritake

Long Distance Passenger Transport: The Australian Experience
G K R Reid

Management – A Potential Source Of Improved Long-term Demand Forecasts In Aviation And Shipping
M S Bradbury

Management Information Systems In Local Public Transport
N H Van Der Woude

Measuring The Impacts Of Singapore’s Area License Scheme
E P Holland & P L Watson

Minimizing Uncertainties In Master Planning The Transport Sector Of A Developing Country
A G Hobeika

Mobility Problems And Solutions For Elderly, Handicapped And Poor Persons In The Us
A Saltzman, A E Kidder & R Watt

National Traffic Planning In Developed Countries – Taking The Federal Republic Of Germany As An Example
H J Huber

New Trends In Rural Feeder Roads Planning
H P Kurzman

Operational Requirements For New Transit Technology
R M Soberman & G Clark

Panel Discussion
Silverleaf, Manheim, Frybourg, De Waele, Frenzel, Baffour, Suchorzevski & Harral

Passenger Travel Demand Forecasting: Applications Of Disaggregate Models And Directions For Research
M E Ben-akiva

Pedestrian Safety: The Role Of Research
H Taylor

Personal Travel In Towns: The Development Of Models That Reflect The Real World
M G Langdon & C G B Mitchell

Planification Operationnelle Des Transports Urbains En Commun: Approches Et Applications
M H Rapp & Ph. Mattenberger

Planning For Inland Navigation In Western Europe
G Gort

Policy Applications Of Research On The Development And Evaluation Of Air Fares On The North Atlantic
A Kanafani & E Spry

Reflexions Sur La Situation Et Les Objectifs De La Recherche Dans Le Domaine Des Transports De Marchandises
W Schwanhausser

Report On Investigations Of Household Travel Decision-making Behavior
M C Dix

Research Issues In Rail Transport Operations
C E Taylor

Rural Road Planning In Developing Countries
E D Tingle

Safety At Sea And Related Research
J A H Paffett

Scope For The Substitution Of Labor And Equipment In Civil Construction – A Progress Report
C G Harral, I K Sud & B P Coukis

Social Assessment Of Technology And Its Application To Urban Transportation
F Hetman

Some Observations On Evaluation Methods Pertinent To Selection Of A Public Urban Transport System
Y Yashoshima, A Takeishi & N Sugino

Tendances De La Recherche Dans Les Transport Urbains – Un Point De Vue
A. Bieber

The Effect Of Alternative Ubran Forms On Two-mode Transportation System Requirements
R G Rice

The Inseparability Of Operational Control Policy Analysis And Strategic Planning – An Experience With Us Airports
D G Smith, D P Maxfield & S Fromovitz

The Northeast Corridor: Has Research Influenced Policy?
Porter K Wheeler

The Planning Of An Airport System, A Comprehensive Approach
D Riemens & R P Van Der Kind

The Relationship Of Research To Decision Making In Intercontinental Traffic
H M Romoff

The State Of Mobility Research
H Hautzinger & P Kessel

The Theory And Practice Of Car Ownership Forecasting
K J Button & A D Pearman

The Uncertainty Of Decision Making In A Direct Democracy
H B Barbe

The Us Owner-operator Trucker: A Transportation Policy Based On Personal Bankruptcy
D D Wyckoff

Traffic Research Relating To Both Short-term And Long-term Traffic Planning
L Nordstrom

Transport Decisions In An Age Of Uncertainty – Trends In Port Research
G C Meeuse

Transport Demand Models And Policy – A Comparative Analysis
Uri Zohar

Transport International Et Pays En Voie De Developpement
P Bauchet

Transport Policy And Regional Policy In The European Communities
W A G Blonk

Transport Policy Models And Transport Policy Development – A Major Challenge Or A Search For A ‘philosopher’s Stone’?
K W Studnicki – Gizbert

Transportation Systems Management: Alternatives To Capital Investment In A Period Of Uncertainty
S G Jahnsen & J F Morrall

Uncertainties In Airport Cost Analysis
T Knudsen

Uncertainty And The Transport Investment Decision
A D Pearman

Urban Mass Transportation In India
K C Agarwal

Urban Transportation Policy In Poland
W. Suchorzewski

A Predictive Model Of Highway Interchange Land Use Development: A Decision Tool For Planning R W Eyerly, R D Twark & R B Nassi Download
A Road Transport Investment Model For Developing Countries J N Bulman & R Robinson Download
A System Analysis Of Effectiveness Of Energy Saving Measures In Transport H Nakamura, T Uemura, T Nishii & N Shiomi Download
Accessibility And Its Application To A Dynamic Model Of Spatial Land-use Distribution B Greuter Download
Advanced Airline Planning Models As A Tool For Developing Regulatory Policy R W Simpson Download
Aggregate Forecasting With Disaggregate Travel Demand Models Using Normally Available Data F S Koppelman & M E Ben-akiva Download
An Agenda For Urban Transportation C. K. Orski Download
An Equilibrium Mode-split Model Of Work Trips Along A Transportation Corridor I Hasan & A Talvitie Download
An Integrated System For Airline Planning And Management Information M Ehrlich Download
Application Of Demographic And Econometric Models To Regional Transportation Planning C C Kimm Download
Application Of Research Works To Metropolitan Transportation Development Zsolt Papay Download
Aspects Economiques De La Propulsion Nucleaire Civile S Ruel Download
Aspects Of Governmental Research And Development Funding Programmes For Group Transportation Systems D J Frenzel Download
Bus Acquisition And Retirement Decisions E Hauer Download
Canpass: A Strategic Planning Capability For Intercity Passenger Transportation J C Rea, M J Wills & J B Platte Download
Conclusions From Action 33 J Grevsmahl Download
Considerations On The Design Of Behavioural Orientated Models From The Point Of View Of Empirical Social Research W Brog & W Schwerdtfeger Download
Decision Issues And Research Priorities In Intercity Freight Transportation: A Us Perspective A Scheffer Lang Download
Emme: A Planning Method For Multi-modal Urban Transportation Systems M Florian, R Chapleau, S Nguyen, C Achim, L James & J Lefebvre Download
Environmental Impact Assessment And Transport Facilities A Alexandre & C Averous Download
Environmental Problems Related To Railways In Japan (special Reference To The Shinkansen) H Yoshimura Download
Equilibrium Between Travel Demand, System Supply And Urban Structure Y Zahavi Download
European Passenger Travel Demand – Analysis And Strategy Responsive Forecast D Wilken Download
Fondements Techniques Et Economiques Du Transport Ferroviaire Des Voyageurs A Grande Vitesse D Monnet Download
Forecasting Freight Demand P O Roberts Download
Freight Transport Models As A Tool For Management J Van Es Download
Infrastructural Growth And Development Planning: A Comparative Study Of Road Infrastructure In The National Development Of Asean Countries Seah Chee Meow Download
Interaction Of Costs And Technological Developments In The Shipping Industry N Dijkshoorn Download
Intercity Passenger Transport Travel In Egypt, Performance And Problems A F El Daghestany Download
Intercontinental Transportation And The Marine Container System Y Nagao & N Noritake Download
Long Distance Passenger Transport: The Australian Experience G K R Reid Download
Management – A Potential Source Of Improved Long-term Demand Forecasts In Aviation And Shipping M S Bradbury Download
Management Information Systems In Local Public Transport N H Van Der Woude Download
Measuring The Impacts Of Singapore’s Area License Scheme E P Holland & P L Watson Download
Minimizing Uncertainties In Master Planning The Transport Sector Of A Developing Country A G Hobeika Download
Mobility Problems And Solutions For Elderly, Handicapped And Poor Persons In The Us A Saltzman, A E Kidder & R Watt Download
National Traffic Planning In Developed Countries – Taking The Federal Republic Of Germany As An Example H J Huber Download
New Trends In Rural Feeder Roads Planning H P Kurzman Download
Operational Requirements For New Transit Technology R M Soberman & G Clark Download
Panel Discussion Silverleaf, Manheim, Frybourg, De Waele, Frenzel, Baffour, Suchorzevski & Harral Download
Passenger Travel Demand Forecasting: Applications Of Disaggregate Models And Directions For Research M E Ben-akiva Download
Pedestrian Safety: The Role Of Research H Taylor Download
Personal Travel In Towns: The Development Of Models That Reflect The Real World M G Langdon & C G B Mitchell Download
Planification Operationnelle Des Transports Urbains En Commun: Approches Et Applications M H Rapp & Ph. Mattenberger Download
Planning For Inland Navigation In Western Europe G Gort Download
Policy Applications Of Research On The Development And Evaluation Of Air Fares On The North Atlantic A Kanafani & E Spry Download
Reflexions Sur La Situation Et Les Objectifs De La Recherche Dans Le Domaine Des Transports De Marchandises W Schwanhausser Download
Report On Investigations Of Household Travel Decision-making Behavior M C Dix Download
Research Issues In Rail Transport Operations C E Taylor Download
Rural Road Planning In Developing Countries E D Tingle Download
Safety At Sea And Related Research J A H Paffett Download
Scope For The Substitution Of Labor And Equipment In Civil Construction – A Progress Report C G Harral, I K Sud & B P Coukis Download
Social Assessment Of Technology And Its Application To Urban Transportation F Hetman Download
Some Observations On Evaluation Methods Pertinent To Selection Of A Public Urban Transport System Y Yashoshima, A Takeishi & N Sugino Download
Tendances De La Recherche Dans Les Transport Urbains – Un Point De Vue A. Bieber Download
The Effect Of Alternative Ubran Forms On Two-mode Transportation System Requirements R G Rice Download
The Inseparability Of Operational Control Policy Analysis And Strategic Planning – An Experience With Us Airports D G Smith, D P Maxfield & S Fromovitz Download
The Northeast Corridor: Has Research Influenced Policy? Porter K Wheeler Download
The Planning Of An Airport System, A Comprehensive Approach D Riemens & R P Van Der Kind Download
The Relationship Of Research To Decision Making In Intercontinental Traffic H M Romoff Download
The State Of Mobility Research H Hautzinger & P Kessel Download
The Theory And Practice Of Car Ownership Forecasting K J Button & A D Pearman Download
The Uncertainty Of Decision Making In A Direct Democracy H B Barbe Download
The Us Owner-operator Trucker: A Transportation Policy Based On Personal Bankruptcy D D Wyckoff Download
Traffic Research Relating To Both Short-term And Long-term Traffic Planning L Nordstrom Download
Transport Decisions In An Age Of Uncertainty – Trends In Port Research G C Meeuse Download
Transport Demand Models And Policy – A Comparative Analysis Uri Zohar Download
Transport International Et Pays En Voie De Developpement P Bauchet Download
Transport Policy And Regional Policy In The European Communities W A G Blonk Download
Transport Policy Models And Transport Policy Development – A Major Challenge Or A Search For A ‘philosopher’s Stone’? K W Studnicki – Gizbert Download
Transportation Systems Management: Alternatives To Capital Investment In A Period Of Uncertainty S G Jahnsen & J F Morrall Download
Uncertainties In Airport Cost Analysis T Knudsen Download
Uncertainty And The Transport Investment Decision A D Pearman Download
Urban Mass Transportation In India K C Agarwal Download
Urban Transportation Policy In Poland W. Suchorzewski Download