World Conference on Transport Research Society

SIG H5 – Urban Transport in Developing Countries

Upcoming Events

Special session at the CODATU Conference 2025, Marseille, France


Group Objective

This Special Interest Group (SIG) focuses on applying research and building research capacity in developing countries to support the creating of socially, financially and environmentally sustainable urban transport systems.



Membership of the Group is open to anyone with a research interest in the subject area. Membership of the WCTRS is encouraged but not required. To join the Group, or for more information, please contact the Chair listed below.

SIG H5 Chair- Varameth Vichiensan (Kasetsart University)

What are SIGs?

WCTRS encourages a continuous exchange between experts all over the world and in order to facilitate this exchange of ideas between researchers interested in the same topic area, Special Interest Groups (SIGs) have been created.