World Conference on Transport Research Society

World Conferences

Purpose of the World Conference

The World Conference on Transport Research is held every three years, bringing together transport researchers, managers, policy makers, and educators from all over the world to share research and practise. Each conference is organised and run by a different academic institution, and every attendee becomes a member of the World Conference on Transport Research Society for three years.

Upcoming Events

WCTR 2026

The 17th World Conference on Transport Research will take place July 6 to 10, 2026 hosted by the Toulouse School of Economics in Toulouse, France. 

Additional information is available on the WCTR 2026 website.

Previous Events

WCTR 2023

The 16th World Conference on Transport Research was held on Monday 17th – 21st July 2023 at CIRRELT (The Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherche sur les Reseaux d’Entreprise, la Logistique et le Transport) in Montreal, Canada.

Further information is available on the event website


WCTRS Virtual Meet 2022

WCTRS organised a virtual meet consisting of many dedicated webinars during 24-29 July 2022. Sessions covered all WCTR topic areas and there was no fee to participate in the virtual meet. Please see the official event website for more information. 

A draft agenda is available here.


WCTRS Mumbai 2019

26th-31st May 2019
Dancers representing Mumbai and Montreal at the conference handover ceremony

Dancers represent the handover ceremony from WCTR Mumbai 2019 to WCTR Montreal 2023

Further details of this conference, including published articles and Special Issues, can be found at the WCTRS Mumbai 2019 webpage

WCTRS Shanghai 2016

10th-14th July 2016

Welcome to Tongji Sign     The conference attendees of WCTR Shanghai 2016

Further details of all the previous WCTR Conferences, from the WCTR Shanghai 2016 to WCTR Rotterdam 1977, can be accessed by Society members by logging into the website members’ area.