World Conference on Transport Research Society

Individual Membership

Individual Membership

All academics, practitioners, students and interested individuals are invited to apply to become an individual member of the WCTRS.  

Membership fees are included with your registration for a WCTR conference, which grants WCTRS membership for the 3-year period until the next conference.  Attending the upcoming WCTR 2026 conference in Toulouse, France will include membership for 2026-2029.

Alternatively, you can apply to join at any time by completing this online form and paying the membership fee.  Membership fees cover 3 years following a WCTR conference.  Fees will be reduced by one third for those joining on or after the the first year following a WCTR and by two thirds for those joining on or after the second year following a WCTR.

WCTRS Individual Membership Fees 2023-2026

Membership Period3 Years
July 17, 2023 – July 5, 2026
2 Years
July 17, 2023 – July 5,  2026
1 year
July 17, 2023 – July 5, 2026
Application DatesJuly 17, 2023 – July 5, 2024July 17,  2024 – July 5, 2025July 17, 2025 – July 5, 2026
General Membership $170.00$113.33$56.67
Membership from UN Least Developed Countries$100.00$66.67$33.33
Student Membership$60.00$40.00$20.00

The preferred method of payment for the membership fee is by bank transfer.  The WCTRS Secretary will contact applications upon completion of the application form with the details for making the payment.

If you require an alternative method, please contact the WCTRS Secretary.


Benefits of Individual Membership

Access to a truly international network of transport academics and practitioners, which is the only such worldwide network, with over 1000 experts interested in transport research from over 80 countries

A wide variety of Special Interest Groups (SIGs), each dedicated to a specific academic topic from mode specific policy and modelling, to solutions for climate change and disaster resilience. The full list can be found on the SIGs webpage.

A free on-line subscription to the Society’s two Journals: Transport Policy and Case Studies on Transport Policy

On-line access to the proceedings of past conferences

Liaison with some 30 partner journals, which publish the best conference papers

Outreach to international organisations such as the International Transport Forum, World Bank and UNFCCC conferences

WCTRS Young Initiatives including the WCTRS-Y Conference, grants awarded to young researchers, and dedicated newsletters and job information

Opportunities to contribute to the planning of a future World Conference through participation in Special Interest Groups and other Society activities