Organisational Membership
Organisational Membership
To apply for Supporting Organisational Membership, please send the completed SOM Application Form to the WCTRS Secretary.
Institutions are usually invited to become Research Organisational Members by the Society after each World Conference. However, if you are interested in your institution becoming a Research Organisational Member please contact the WCTRS Secretary.
Supporting Organisational Members (SOMs)
Fees: $3,000 for a three year subscription
Eligibility: All institutions and organisations
SOM name to be listed under ‘Supporting Organisational Members’ on the WCTRS website
SOMs can nominate up to 2 persons as members, each of whom will enjoy the same privileges as regular members
SOMs will have the option of displaying their logos on the WCTR website and on WCTRS conference material
SOMs are eligible for a free booth at the WCTRS Conference
SOMs are entitled to sponsor Named Bursaries at $1,000 per bursary, or to support a SIG activity.
Research Organisational Members (ROMs)
Fees: Equal to 8 individual memberships at developed or developing country rate
Eligibility: Research Organisations and Universities (not for profit organisations)
The Secretariat will invite appropriate organisations to become organisational members after each conference, and charge them the difference between the current ROM fee and the individual memberships already paid
Name to be listed under ‘Organisational Members’ on WCTRS website
Opportunity for the Organisation to nominate up to 10 persons as members
Nominated persons will enjoy same privileges as individual members.