World Conference on Transport Research Society

The May 2022 World Conference on Transport Research Society Newsletter is now available.

This edition contains:

  1. About the Special Issue on “Shared Urban Mobility Systems in the Global South (SUMS)”
  2. International symposium on smart vehicle and mobility – SIG C1 Update
  3. COVID-19 Research article
  4. Membership of the WCTRS

WCTRS Research Newsletter Volume 2, Issue 1, May 2022 (Word Document)

The April 2022 World Conference on Transport Research Society Newsletter is now available.

This edition contains:

  1. About the Special Issue “COVID-19 and Passenger Transport” & the WCTRS-Elsevier book on Pandemics
  2. LTAP Webinar
  3. COVID-19 Research article
  4. Membership of the WCTRS

WCTRS Research Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 14, April 2022 (Word Document)

The February 2022 World Conference on Transport Research Society Newsletter is now available.

This edition contains:

  1. Update on SIG B3 activities
  2. Face mask mandates and risk compensation – Research article
  3. The Tale of Two Countries – Research article
  4. Membership of the WCTRS

WCTRS Research Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 11, February 2022 (Word Document)

The January 2022 World Conference on Transport Research Society Research Newsletter is now available. This edition contains:

  1. Interview with Club of Rome Executive Committee member Prof. Yoshitsugu Hayashi
  2. Report on WCTRS SIGs Partner Event 6th Conference of Transportation Research Group of India (CTRG-2021)
  3. Conference Updates!

WCTRS Research Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 11, January 2022 (Word Document)